
Dimes for Missions

Recipients for this quarter are Dr. Jim and Susan Kaiser of Lutheran Bible Translators. Here is a link to their information page, where you can sign up for news updates or make a donation.

Faithful Sew-ers

The Faithful Sew-ers create quilts almost every week of the year for local charities and needs (Saginaw Rescue Mission and Bavarian Comfort Care most recently), as well as for people in crisis outside of our area (i.e. Texas Gulf Coast families after recent hurricanes). They also create banners as needed, LWR school bags, etc. Faithful Sew-ers participate as a group with Fellowship Hour one month each year, and also put on one of the Soup Suppers every Easter. This past year they hosted a Soup Supper during Advent. The Faithful Sew-ers belong to the Ladies Auxillary of Saginaw Rescue Mission, and can be seen at many of the other events at FAITH! They love sewing and creating, and enjoy the fellowship with others, and they all have a heart for helping with Jesus’s mission of loving and caring for our brothers and sisters!

Saginaw City Rescue Mission

The City Rescue Mission of Saginaw has been in existence since 1905, providing emergency shelter and compassionate Christian care for people in our community that have nowhere else to turn.

They have a longstanding commitment to help the homeless by providing a level of care that models the love of Jesus. We are blessed to share the love of Jesus with the City Rescue Mission guests by providing sack lunches monthly. Our members enjoy putting the lunches together.